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2013 – 15 [electroacoustic compositions for 4 – 12 loudspeakers ]
scape_1 premiered @ DEGEM concert 2013, HMTMH Hanover || scape_2 & scape_3 premiered @ Kultur-Etage Messestadt 2014, Munich, 2014 || scape_4 premiered @ Radio Depot, Dortmund, 2014 || scape_12 premiered @ USAP Berlin, 2014
scape_ is a series of compositions that consists of musical material generated from modulated underwater recordings and sounds of crickets. The complex spectrum of underwater sounds of the River „Main“ in Frankfurt (Germany) in combination with recordings of insects leads to an extraordinary crystalline sonority. The soundscapes are removed from their former context, confronted with their diversity, and finally transformed until they reach the highest level of intersection. Rhythms and melodies arised as artefacts from various sound synthesis methods are additionally integrated as musical material. scape_12 is a 12-channel – composition. it discovers the calm and sparkling backside of a large city beside all the common urban noises.
scape_1 has been released on Edition DEGEM 2014.