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Oh, das Universum, denken sie

Audio-visuelle Installation. Kompositionsauftrag des Frequenz Festivals Kiel, 2020
»Immer wollen sie zuletzt ans Meer, die Spinner. Wollen am Meer hocken, aufs Wasser glotzen, in den Himmel, das Rauschen der Wellen hören, die Luft beschmutzen mit ihren kleinen Gedanken. Oh, das Universum, denken sie, das hört ja wirklich nirgends auf, und dann gucken sie wichtig in die Luft, halten den Kopf schief…jaja, das Universum.«
(aus „Helges Leben“ von Sibylle Berg)
Das Meer ist ein Sehnsuchtsort. Die einen sitzen im Urlaub und halten melancholisch in Gedanken versunken den Kopf. Die anderen begeben sich in größte Gefahr, der Sehnsucht nach einem besseren Leben folgend.
In der Installation verwendete O-Töne:
„Response understood“
[Sea Watch. Quelle: WDR]
„We are floating on the sea since 4 days. We won’t make it. That is no joke. We are going to die here.“
„Is there somebody who can help us? 2 People died here. The child is sick. There are 2 persons dead. The child is sick. It is not okay. Come and help us.“
[Hilferufe per Funk aus Booten mit Geflüchteten in internationalem Gewässer, zentrales Mittelmeer, April 2019. Quelle: Organisation Alarmphone, ZDF]
„…a very few people on the boat have life wests. We cannot see any other life saving equipment…“
[Funkspruch, Sea Watch 3, Carola Rackete. Quelle: NDR]
„…Okay, go! 3-0-0 degrees. 3-0-0 degrees. Alright. …um, can you please inform Max, that he should prepare the life jackets here. We will take them in front of us. They are sinking. 100 people.
[Funkspruch, Sea Watch. Quelle: WDR]
„Okay, you go Backboard. …I am here…okay, backwards….we are drowning…“
[Funkspruch, Sea Watch. Quelle: WDR]
„…Could you come to me and pick up these people? Because I cannot guarantee their safety for extended period. You could send out a boat and we can transfer them here outside of Lampedusa.“ – „Okay, you do not enter in Italian territorial water?“ – „No. We are on five miles outside . You have us on the AIS. We have no intention to enter.“….
[Funk-Gespräch Sea Watch 3, Carola Rackete mit italienischer Hafenpolizei. Quelle: NDR]
„…my last warning. …that you have entered in Italian territorial waters. Remind you that on June 16 2019 we have you notified you directly …from Italian ministry Interior, which forbid you enter in Italia. We have to ask you to go back and leave Italian territorial waters.“
[Funk-Gespräch Sea Watch 3, Antwort an Carola Rackete von italienischer Hafenpolizei. Quelle: NDR]
„…How do you justify this?“ …We are outside your territorial waters. Lampedusa report. This is Sea Watch 3. I inform you I will enter territorial waters due to a state of necessity on board my vessel. I’m concerned for the safety of the people I have on board. I ask your cooperation to disembark the 42 people whom I have on board. Over.“ – „Sea Watch 3. This is Lampedusa Port. I must inform you …“ – „Lampedusa Port. This is Sea Watch 3.Affirmative I ‚m going to enter the territorial waters due to a state of necessity. I can no longer guarantee the safety of the people on my ship. Over.“ … – „Lampedusa Port. Sea Watch 3 is proceeding towards the port because I need to disembark 42 people. I*m in a state of necessity. Your government has provided no assistance , what so ever, …the condition on board of my ship is very critical and I will proceed towards the port. Over.
[Funk-Gespräch Sea Watch 3, Carola Rackete mit italienischer Hafenpolizei. Quelle: NDR]
„Shame! Shame on you!….“ [„Schande! Schämt euch!“ – Rufe im Hafen von Lampedusa bei der Einfahrt der Sea Watch 3. Quelle: NDR]