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normal things and daily stories

for Đàn Bầu, live-electronics, fixed media and video
During the composition process of “normal things and daily stories” I tried to get to know both the vietnamese instrument Đàn Bầu and the musician NGÔ Trà My who was supposed to premeire the piece. One artistic decision was not to try to copy a traditional playing aesthetic, but rather to find ways in which I could associatively introduce my own musical aesthetics and artistic influences. My artistic approach is to deal with narratives of the everyday, details that shape people’s everyday lives. Especially in the collaboration with Trà My, in which we had to bridge a great geographical distance, I was interested in getting to know her as a person – through an insight into her everyday life in Vietnam – and to experience the soundscape that surrounds her when she is at home, practising her instrument. I also integrated audio material of some interviews with Trà My where she explains details that make her own home a special place, because “home is where we leave all the worries about life outside the door, to be a normal person, to be happy with those normal things.”
2023, commissioned by Hannoverschen Gesellschaft für Neue Musik hgnm e.V. within the project „TRAIECT IV“.
Premiere November 2023 @ Sprengel Museum Hanover by NGÔ Trà My – Đàn Bầu, Julia Mihály – live electronics. Further performances @ Überseemuseum Bremen, Akademie der Künste Berlin and in 2024 @ MoT+ Artist Space Hồ Chí Minh City (Vietnam) and
22 Hàng Buồm Arts Centre Hà Nội (Vietnam)