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La Rinascita di Marlene
2017, commissioned by Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste Munich. For voice, analogue & digital electronics, electric guitar and string trio.
The piece is based on the novel „Die Einzigen“ by Norbert Niemann. The protagonist called Marlene experiences different states within her artistic development, constantly trying to discover her own very unique sound. During this process she is experimenting with different sorts of electronic instruments. A journey of constant failure begins. She doesn’t come to a satisfactory conclusion until she decides to turn her own body into an electronic instrument. Therefore she suddenly changes her artistic direction and decides to implement sensors and a circuit board into her own body. The composition „La Rinascita di Marlene“ questions whether this drawn picture of a trial of artistic suffering is realstic or if the author is merely reproducing the image of the romantic stereotype „artist“.
Premiere Performances: 2018 – Residenz München by Julia Mihály, Trio Coriolis and Johannes Öllinger. Second Performance @ TEMPO REALE Firenze, autumn 2018.