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ascending in front of the void
for flute, bassoon, violin, cello and electronics

…is a piece that tries to explore the Negev Desert. The basis of the musical composition marks Norah Inbar’s text „The Voice Archive“, in which the desert is considered as a space where voices of the present and of the past are memorized. A space where time leaves its various traces that can be rediscovered as an archive of history („…that some man or woman put their feet in the traces of time and they will fit and slowly the memory returns and with it what that has been lost“). Due to the pandemic situation it was not possible for me to travel to Israel, which means I couldn’t visit the Negev Desert in person. This brought me to the challenging point of dealing with a place I had never experienced by myself. Field recordings and photos as a very distant connection to the place became my companions in the process of composing. My own personal experience of the place remained as an absent piece of the puzzle. Normally, when I compose a piece dealing with a certain place I would describe the process as a development not only about, but together WITH a place. Therefore I spend quite a long time at the place just sitting in different spots, walking around, observing, watching and listening. Every place can emerge as a microcosm of details that can be discovered by a careful listening. Or how Murray Schafer framed it once in an interview: „In a way the world is a huge composition, a huge musical composition, that is going on all the time. Without a beginning a presumably without an ending. We are the composers of this huge miraculous composition that is going on around us and we can improve it or we can destroy it.“

2021, Premiere: September 2021in Köln, Alte Feuerwache by Ensemble hand werk and Meitar Ensemble. Further performance by Meitar Ensemble in December 2021 in Tel Aviv, @ CEME Festival